Monday, August 19, 2013

Let's Celebrate!

Sorry I've been MIA for the last few days. I have had severe allergies that turned into a slight cold. Not much fun really. Finally broke down on Friday and went and bought some Nyquil. Slept like a baby and woke up mostly dried up Saturday. I have done some stamping but nothing that I can share because unfortunately I did it so late at night that I forgot to even take pictures of anything. Duh!

Today I am working on some quick and easy projects to do with the after school stamp club that I'm hoping to start at the school, I work at, in September. 

I hope to have some of those to share with you soon. Also did you notice I have my new "Shop Now" button linking you directly to my Demonstrator Business Website or DBWS if you will. It's only taken me forever and a day to get it up there. I will also be working on getting a link set up that takes you directly to my calendar but I haven't gotten that far yet. 

Today I'm going to share a card with you that I made, sometime earlier this year, as a sample. I never shared it and never even photographed it. I make a lot of cards for fun and sometimes I give them away, and other times I forget I even have them. I made this as part of a color challenge that my upline had presented to us. 

I used Embellished Events. A great stamp set because you can add any variety of our embellishments to the stamps to add to the finished look. The colors we were required to use were Baja Breeze (which is now retired), Summer Starfruit (current 2012-2014 In Color) and Elegant Eggplant. I used the retired embossing folder that came out with last years holiday catalog. I do miss this folder but I do like the fact that our embossing folders are inexpensive and they add so much detail with so little effort. 

Hope you have a great Monday. I promise to have more to share with you tomorrow. Until then Happy Stamping! 

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