Sunday, July 29, 2012

More MDS 2 excitement

Now you can definitely see why I am excited and anxious for this program to come out. I played around more with MDS 2 tonight and found myself actually creating a page for the first time . IT's not quick right now because I am still finding my way around the program itself but I am liking things a lot more than I ever did with the first program. I took these beautiful photos last summer when we went camping and up until now I didn't know what I was going to do with them. The top photo actually sat on my phone as a background for several months before I changed it to holiday living wall papers. But you can see why I love it. Keep an eye out for it and if you love MDS download MDS 2 on August 1st.  If you're still unsure, download the trial version for free and see for yourself. 

Till next time, Happy Creating and Happy Stamping

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